Monday, March 25, 2019

Make It Easy: Ask About E-Delivery of Enrollment Materials

Does sending an email sound a lot easier than maintaining and delivering hardcopy enrollment guides? If it does, sign up for enrollment guide e-delivery—and get current electronic enrollment guides to your employees with a click of the send button.

You’ll benefit from e-delivery if:
·        You want materials quickly. Ad hoc requests can be filled at any time (see below).
·        You’re spending too much time and money delivering hardcopy guides. E-delivery means no more shipping boxes to employee locations, or supporting hardcopy requests throughout the year.
·        You want to keep your options open. You can still request hardcopy guides.
·        You and your employees want less paper. Every click means less paper and instant access to the information necessary to join the plan.

How it works
: If you’re receiving hardcopy guides automatically today, about 45 days prior to the next plan entry date, you’ll get an email instead of hardcopy guides. The email includes a link to the enrollment guide and a link to the employee website. If your plan has online enrollment, employees can enroll through the employee website. Just copy the email and send it to your newly eligible employees. Your employees eligible to enroll in the plan on the next plan entry date are listed in the Monthly Plan Confirmation report, found in the Reports section of your plan website.

Ad hoc requests: Contact Client Services any time you’d like electronic enrollment guides. They’ll send you the email, and the links will expire in 90 days so employees won’t receive outdated plan and investment information.

Electronic enrollment guides can reduce your administrative burden, make your days easier, and make your plan more convenient. Best of all, it’s a snap to get started. Contact Client Services to go digital today.